artistic practices

Marseille and Aix-en-Provence
January 25—February 10, 2024

Zoé Cosson, AULUS, 2021

February 7 at 19:00

Duration: 20 min

Friche la Belle de Mai, IMMS

In partnership with La Friche la Belle de Mai and IMMS. As part of Zoé Cosson’s residency at La Marelle

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Free admission, subject to availability.

Aulus is Zoé Cosson's first novel. It's also the name of a spa where she lives, observes and collects the habits and stories of the inhabitants. Her story is one of a fragile ecosystem, where man and nature coexist as best they can. Where an old mine is dangerously polluting the mountain. Where everything threatens to collapse, despite the millennia-old strength of the omnipresent rock. A current story, a metaphor for our times, in perpetual imbalance.


Zoé Cosson was born in 1995. She is an author and video artist. After obtaining a DNSEP from ESAD in Reims, she joined the master's program in literary creation at Le Havre. There, she developed the writing of her first novel, Aulus, published in 2021 in the Arbalète collection by Éditions Gallimard. She is the winner of the Simone del Duca Foundation Prize for Literary Creation, and the 2024 winner of the call for projects for a creative residency for emerging authors proposed by La Marelle and the Collectivité de Corse.

  • Reading

    Zoé Cosson

Aulus was published by Editions Gallimard (2021) in the Arbalète collection.
