artistic practices

Marseille and Aix-en-Provence
January 25—February 10, 2024

Ramona Bădescu et Jeff Silva, L’ORDRE DES CHOSES, 2022

February 8 at 19:45

Duration: 72 min


In co-production with Mucem

Book your ticket

Evening rate €9/€12

Manon Worms, Hakim Bah, Ramona Bădescu and Jeff Silva will gather on the set after the screening, to close the evening with a cross-conversation on the notions of working-class gesture and popular culture. The discussion will be moderated by Marie-Charlotte Calafat, Director of Collections at Le Mucem, and will echo the museum’s new exhibition “Popular”.

Alexandru, 90, gardens, jokes and continues to repair watches in his father's workshop, opened in 1909 somewhere in southern Romania. His past as a political prisoner, unknown to those around him, turned his life upside down. A first-hand witness to Romania's labor camps and political prisons, he is invited by Ramona Bădescu, his granddaughter, and Jeff Silva to work on the memory of what time and terror have almost succeeded in erasing.


Born in Romania in 1980, Ramona Badescu arrived in France at the age of 10. After studying theater, she began a career as an actress. At the age of 22, she published her first children's book and began a long publishing career. Today, she is the author of some thirty books, mainly in children's literature, some of which have been translated into twenty languages and won several awards. She is also a photographer and translator, and here, in collaboration with Jeff Silva, she directed her second documentary film, which is also her first feature film.

American filmmaker and anthropologist Jeff Silva has worked at prestigious American schools and universities, including the Sensory Ethnography Lab at Harvard University. He has directed 4 feature films and several shorts, all of which have to do with the fragility of individuals struggling with tense social contexts. His films have been shown at festivals as diverse as Visions du Réel, MoMA's Documentary Fortnight, la Viennale, BAFICI, Doclisboa, Open City Documentary Festival... With a PhD in social anthropology and ethnology from EHESS, he is now based in Marseille.

  • Photography

    Jeff Silva

  • Sound

    Ramona Bădescu

  • Editing

    Catherine Catella

  • Sound editing

    Yohann Bernard

  • Mixing

    Antoine Pradalet

  • Calibration

    Alexis Lambotte

  • Original soundtrack

    Enrique Schadenberg

Documentary, 2022, France, Roumanie, USA.

Production : Victor Ede, Cinéphage, France
Coproduction : Lyon Capitale tv, France - Foggy Window Productions, USA - Grădina Films, Romania
Distribution : Lisa Reboulleau, Mélinda Feuillepain, Tangente
Supports : CNC, Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée, La Région SUD en partenariat avec le CNC, SCAM Brouillon d’un rêve, PROCIREP société des producteurs et de l’ANGOA, La Fabrique des écritures ethnographiques, Fondation LEF, Fondation Camargo.
