artistic practices

Marseille and Aix-en-Provence
January 25—February 10, 2024

Calixto Neto, OUTRAR, 2021

February 7 at 20:30

Duration: 25 min

Friche la Belle de Mai, Petit Plateau

In partnership with La Friche la Belle de Mai

Book your ticket

Rate for 2 shows (Entepfuhl + Outrar) €10/€15

Outrar is a project initiated by Brazilian choreographer Lia Rodrigues and designed to be activated by Brazilian performers based in Europe. The starting point is a 21-minute soundtrack created by several musicians and a list of choreographic movements. In his version, Calixto Neto takes a forked path, plunging into himself. By taking possession of this place of another, to which he is (in)subordinate, he turns it into a place of power and transformation.


Calixto Neto is from Recife, Brazil, and has lived in France since 2013. He trained in theater at the Federal University of Pernambuco, then in dance at the Groupe Experimental de Danse in his hometown, before attending the master's degree in choreographic studies ex.e.r.ce, at the CCN de Montpellier. During his studies, he created the solo Petites explosions and the duet Pipoca, with Bruno Freire. oh!rage, his second solo, focuses on minority bodies and identities, and takes an interest in "peripheral" dance, on the bangs of institutional circuits. Member of Lia Rodrigues' company from 2007 to 2013, Calixto Neto is also a performer in creations by Volmir Cordeiro, Anne Collod, Mette Ingvartsen, Éve Magot and Luiz de Abreu. He will revive Luiz de Abreu's famous piece O Samba do Crioulo Doido in 2020 as part of the Panorama festival at the CND, Pantin. In May 2021, at the invitation of Lia Rodrigues, he creates Outrar as part of the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels. In September 2021, he creates Feijoada as part of the Lia Rodrigues portrait at the Festival d'Automne in Paris. In 2022, Calixto Neto is invited to take part in the Kunstenfestivaldesarts Free School, where he initiates research into the work of US musician Julius Eastman with 6 other dancers and musicians. IL FAUX, his latest new solo, premieres in May 2023 as part of the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels. The research into the work of Julius Eastman will also continue over the coming seasons, leading to a new group piece in autumn 2025. Calixto Neto will be associate artist at Points Communs - Nouvelle scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise / Val d'Oise between 2024 and 2026.

As part of the Festival Parallèle, he presented O Samba do Crioulo Doido in 2021 at the Ballet national de Marseille and in 2023 at La Friche la Belle de Mai. He also presented Feijoada in 2022 at 3 bis f as part of Parallèle's program for the Biennale d'Art et de Culture d'Aix-en-Provence.

  • Choreography, interpretation

    Calixto Neto

  • Project development

    Lia Rodrigues

  • Soundtrack

    Zeca Assumpção, Henk Zwart, Mendel, Grupo Cadeira (Inês Assumpção, Jorge Potyguara, Miguel Bevilacqua, Henrique Rabello) et pièces du CD Authentic South America 5, The Amazon

With the support of Onda.

Creative production : Kunstenfestivaldesarts
Production, administration, distribution : Julie Le Gall
Delegated production : VOA – Calixto Neto.
